Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 15

What more can I say about Gurren Lagann that hasn't already been said? It is truely the best anime in the mech genre and is what every gundam should have been. (besides 08th MS team) The characters are developing fast and I'm so glad that Gainax didn't try pull another Shinji on us with Simon's character. Episode 15 was by far one of the coolest episodes out there. And to think I thought Cytomander's Ganmen was cool. Lord Genome has to be one of the most awesome villains I have ever seen. His Rasengan is also the sexiest mech in existance. It's gotta be the teeth. Also, Naruto REALLY sucks now that his Rasengan just got owned by Genome's Rasengan. But on to impressions.


As always, Gurren Lagann is moving a little too fast. I know it only has 26 episodes but it just seems that things pass by too quickly, thus lessening the epic'ness each battle could bring...as if they weren't epic enough. Animation is still top notch but...you know how Gainax works. Nia is cute as always and Yoko's part in the show is slowly deteriorating. I can't even imagine how Gurren Lagann is going to continue now that Lord Genome is already dead but going back to the intro of episode one it looks like there is still a bigger organization somewhere out there.

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However we get a glimpse of the next arc with Lord Genome's little prophecy he gives to Simon right before he dies. Something about when there are a million monkeys on the planet, the moon will become a messenger from hell and destroy the planet. I'm guessing that when he says "monkeys" he actually means humans. It seems that Lord Genome's motives weren't all bad and that he was actually trying to protect the human race from being completely annihilated, but thats still up for interpretation. Yea, I suppose his methods of doing this weren't the best ones but now that he's dead everything rests upon Simon.

Eureka Seven?
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One of the annoyances of Gurren Lagann is that the animation for Giga Drill Breaker is always the same. They just change the position of the attacker and the look of the one being attacked but other then that it's all the exactly the same. The intro to Giga Drill Breaker always begins in that same rocky area that Kamina died in and continues from there. Good thing this episode broke the chain by making it fail. Another major annoyance (maybe it's only me but...) is Simon spitting out Kamina's lines. Even though he says them so heroically...it just doesn't feel right. It seems that Simon is just saying them to copy Kamina. Simon's character is really progressing but he needs to break free of Kamina lines and make his own.

Dai-Gurren Crew
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I'm sad that Simon didn't manage to capture Lord Genome's Rasengan but I guess it looked just a little too evil for the good side. Actually...if you think about it...his Rasengan didn't get completely destroyed so we might find out more about it in episode 17.

The one thing that made this episode the best so far was the little thing Nia and Simon had going at the end. Simon is a true man.

And could Gainax make the preview for the next episode any more blunt? But I loved it. It was such an awesome preview in fact that I will make sure to watch the next episode in its entirety even if it kills me. Kudos to you Gainax. You sure know how to beat naruto when it comes to fillers.

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Oh sexiest villain ever.
Rasengan's rasengan (spiral)
Razengan Spiral
Coolest fucking mech EVER


Anonymous said...

It's called a LAZENGANN, not a freaking RASENGAN. :(

Unknown said...

Hey "BAKA" L = R in japan so it IS rasengan. It's just pronounced "lasenga" A mix between L and r.